Footbridge over Soča river

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Open competition, First prize


1800 m²

Year of completion


The Soča River, with its banks that offer both qualities and limitations in space, presents a unique challenge for the placement of a bridge. The designed bridge is a tensioned structure that does not have vertically protruding parts and connects to both banks at the lowest possible point, allowing for comfortable passage and unobstructed views from and of the bridge. Such a bridge does not create new spatial dominants and does not introduce disturbance into the space.

The bridge is a low span that crosses the Soča River in a shallow arc. This allows for an elegant integration into the open landscape, where it represents an unobtrusive line due to its length. The design of the slightly upward tensioned bridge provides stiffness and reliability to the structure, while the continuous reduction in the thickness of the span towards the middle contributes to the lightness and clarity of the object.

Services we provided

  • Design development
  • Construction permit acquisition
  • Execution planning

Project associates

  • Navor d.o.o.

Awards and recognitions

  • Open competition, First prize
  • Awarded by Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia

House K


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